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About Dominic
Founder of Dominic Mitges Coaching and Training. Dominic Mitges
specializes in delivering effective listening and communication
training to individuals and organizations.
With eight years working in the crisis response field, Dominic specialized in suicide intervention, and providing immediate emotional support to victims of violent crime
and tragic circumstance.
He has been called in to assist victims and witnesses of high-profile cases that have drawn national attention. Dominic has also trained and coached new volunteers
both in-class and in the field on live calls.
Since 2009, Dominic has integrated the skills developed in the crisis response field
into his role as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to develop more trusting and harmonious relations with the public, colleagues, and partner agencies.
Dominic’s methods blend mindfulness, philosophy, and social work to help individuals and organizations create deeper trust and unity that transcends interpersonal differences between themselves, their teams, and those they serve.
A sought-after speaker, Dominic delivers speeches and presentations to a variety
of audiences.

Why Dominic listens?
Dominic first experienced the power of effective listening in 2009 while volunteering
for a crisis phone line, which helped people committed to ending their lives find
reasons to keep living. He was immediately amazed at how simply listening to their struggle could empower people to shift their perspective and choose a different path.
Since then, Dominic has been coaching and training others on how to listen and communicate in ways that bring people together, and improve relationships with customers, the public and their teams.
As a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, Dominic has used these skills to build
cohesive teams, develop trust within the community, and effectively resolve